About Me

Gandhi is a full time nerd born and raised in Colorado

Hello, my name is Gandhi and I love developing for and working with the web. I know what you must be thinking: is Gandhi really your name?? I can assure you that Gandhi is my real name. I am a peaceful person, what can I say?

I know what you must be thinking: is Gandhi your real name??

I am usually quiet but always thoughtful. I have a mind for problem solving and I love helping others especially when it’s a computer or mathematic problem. For the past four years I have worked at a real estate title company but I have decided to try a new and more rewarding career path.


I can muck about and get things accomplished with:




<?> PHP

I also have some experience with setting up a simple site with the CodeIgniter framework.


I am a nerd for the Internet, knowledge and entertainment. One of the places you will see me most is at my computer. If I’m not browsing reddit or playing videos games then I’m probably coding. I have an appetite for knowledge and there is always more programming to learn!

I live in Denver and will often enjoy the beautiful sunny weather by taking a ride through nearby foothills on my bicycle. I also like to push myself at the climbing gym by bouldering and route climbing.

I am obsessed with 3D ever since I learned Magic Eye as a kid. Virtual 3D is even more fascinating for me; I even learned how to watch 3D YouTube videos crosseyed!1 I love anime and my favorite anime series is Samurai Champloo. If I’m listening to music and bobbing my head you can bet I’m listening to hip hop!

  1. I have not suffered any vision loss, in case you were wondering